Spent the weekend at the Applied Neuro-science course in London. Professor Patricia Riddell makes the learning very clear and the exercises reinforce the learnings. I expected it to be good but it is amazing! I am now working out which parts of the brain are used during each section of sophrology exercises and bringing a whole new dimension to the sophrology training.
![]() When our ‘life-force energy’ or life's natural flow of energy becomes unsettled in any way or gets blocked, it usually leads to emotional imbalance and health problems. Stress and anxiety, negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical trauma, all can bring imbalances into the body, which may lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. Reiki supports the body in releasing stress and tension by creating deep relaxation while stimulating healing and health. Some people say that a reiki treatment feels like warm, gentle rays of sunshine surrounding you, flowing through you and totally relaxing you. When we become relaxed and free of any stress or worry, it really helps our body to restore its natural, inner ability to heal. Reiki healing not only helps you get rid of unwanted stress, but it also gives you a way to achieve deep relaxation often resulting in improved sleep too. Reiki restores your energy balance and vitality by relieving the physical and emotional effects of unreleased stress. It gently and effectively opens blocked meridians and chakras, clearing the energy bodies, leaving you feeling relaxed and peaceful. Reiki treats your body, mind, emotions and spirit as a whole, it is a powerful, natural and safe method of healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Reiki is wonderfully gentle and nurturing. ![]() As a Reiki student you will be introduced to the practise of mindfulness in the First Degree Level and continue with this state of living in the present moment, of being relaxed, calm and fully engaged in what you are doing while being fully aware of what is happening in the moment ‘right now’ and giving yourself completely to your undertaking without distraction as you progress to the Master Degree Level. Dr Mikao Usui’s principles described in our blog article ‘The Five Reiki Principles by Dr Mikao Usui’ are wonderful teachings about embracing mindfulness in our everyday activities. When we are encouraged to “just for today” contemplate one of the 5 principles, we are being guided to be present in a mindful state. Mindfulness is a practise that you can embrace as part of your daily life by learning how to enjoy and be in the present moment with no purpose other than being awake and fully aware, simply observing the moment in which you find yourself, without judging, reflecting or thinking. With regular practise you will learn to release your attachment to the past and the future and just “be” now, content and accepting in the present moment, ultimately finding a deep peace within yourself. There is a wonderful book, written by Thich Nhat Hanh: called “The Miracle of Mindfulness” that guides you on how to enhance the use of mindfulness as part of your daily activities in life. ![]() Dr. Mikao Usui developed these principles when he realized our spiritual, emotional, and physical health truly begins when we take responsibility for our own well-being. These principles are recommendations on how to create a peaceful life and do not call for an in-depth knowledge of Reiki to be effective. FIRST PRINCIPLE Just for today, I will not worry. When we worry, it may be that we are creating a mental reaction to something that hasn't happened yet, which means that we are experiencing the emotion before the action. We all have the ability to create a future in our mind, but this future does not exist until we create it, so when we worry, it is often for something that doesn't exist, but this emotion gets stored in our brain and is then accessed every time we think about that situation. Once this emotion of worry has been established, it is quite difficult to see the future from a different perspective and because of this, we may find ourselves creating the future we are trying to avoid. Letting go of worry just for today, allows us to trust that we will be able to handle any situation the future brings us and from this perspective we are able to discover that the only thing that truly exists is the present moment… SECOND PRINCIPLE Just for today, I will not be angry. Anger is a reaction to something that is mostly out of our control, which means that, instead of thinking of the situation we are faced with as being different, and reacting to it differently, we have a tendency to judge and use a predetermined response, and if our predetermined response is anger, then we will become angry. When we react in this way, our mind creates chemicals that gives us the feeling of anger, as a result our body tenses up, our heart rate increases and our emotions become clouded. Since anger is created in our mind, it is our choice to hold onto it, or just for today, to let it go. THIRD PRINCIPLE Just for today, I will be grateful. Sometimes we keep asking for more because we only see what we don't have instead of being grateful for what we do have. When we become grateful for the very experience of our physical existence, grateful to be alive in this very moment, for the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and all that sustains us, we easily give thanks and forgiveness to others in our lives. This principle helps us develop a deep understanding that, just for today, everything we need has been provided. FOURTH PRINCIPLE Just for today, I will do my work honestly. When we do our work honestly and with purpose we feel good about ourselves and more fulfilled about our work, bringing more purpose and meaning into our life. We should also be true to ourselves and truthful towards others, instead of hiding who we really are from ourselves and others. Through honesty we can move forward in life without harming ourselves or others. FIFTH PRINCIPLE Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. By living in kindness we live in a way that is most beneficial to our mental well-being, acknowledging everything that surrounds us as a living object when looked at from an atomic level, so our kindness and respect should be unlimited. We create kindness within ourselves by understanding that we are all connected and perfect while being at different stages in life. When we are kind, even in times of personal difficulty, then kindness has become a permanent part of our autonomic response system. How we approach any situation with ourselves and all that is around us, is done making a conscious choice, the one of vital importance is “kindness”. Even though it might seem a bit overwhelming to live by all five principles every single day, you can always begin today by choosing one that resonates with you now. ![]() Sophrology is not only a tool to help you cope with stress and anxiety, it can be a great way to boost your productivity at work. Need to calm your nerves to ace that next presentation? Want to boost your mind’s resilience to the challenges of office life? Want to develop a more positive, happy outlook on life? Sophrology can help you love the life you live and hone your performance to achieve your work goals. Did you know? Sophrology techniques are regularly used by top-level athletes and sportspeople to train for and achieve their sporting goals. Find out what Sophrology can do for you by contacting us! ![]() As you may know it’s Mental Health Awareness Week this week in the UK and we’re getting involved here at EnergyCentre by raising the flag on Sophrology and highlighting how it ties in with Mindfulness training. Sophrology could be seen as a ‘mindful investment’ – investing in your mental well-being to help you cope with the stresses, challenges and changes of life in the future. From depression and anxiety to insomnia and stress, Sophrology can help you overcome the mental challenges we all face at some point in our lives. By investing in a training program such as Sophrology, you’ll learn quick and easy exercise that can by done anytime and anywhere – sitting at your desk in your office, while on your lunch break, or sitting at home in front of the TV. It’s really as easy as that. Sophrology is already known to be successful in helping people with mental and physical health problems, from stress, depression and anxiety to chronic pain, eating disorders and concentration, Sophrology can boost your productivity at work, and give you a greater enjoyment of life. Contact us to find out more about what Sophrology can do for you! ![]() I sat down to lunch with a friend the other day who works in a large corporation in a senior role. She was telling me a story about her colleagues who were ‘fitness fanatics’, running to and from work, going to the gym every day and running marathons at the weekend. Despite this regular physical exercise, they spent their days behind computers, extremely stressed out in fast-paced, mentally challenging roles. Some of her colleagues were finding it difficult to cope with the stressful environment, and I began to think how odd it was how much importance we place on training our bodies, and how little importance on training our minds. Needless to say that with over 15 years of teaching and practicing Sophrology, a technique specifically designed to train the mind to cope with stress, I have seen countless examples of clients successfully learning to cope with stressful situations. I began to think of how her colleagues could combine the hour at the gym with a short 5-10 minute Sophrology exercise – a mental gym that, would give them all the tools they needed. Many of my clients do just this, taking a short 5 to 10 minutes out of their day to do a quick and easy Sophrology exercise, bringing them back to the present moment and allowing them to change the way they manage and react to stressful situations. Indeed, instead of a gym for physical fitness, it’s time to think of a gym for the mind. Sophrology is already known to be successful in helping people recover from stress, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia and more. In France and Spain it’s widely practiced and it’s even covered by the Swiss health insurances. Take a look at our Sophrology Diploma courses to become a trainer in the technique and take on clients of your own! We also have a free taster-exercise which you can download and listen to straight away. Start your training today! ![]() Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. From anxiety and depression to phobias and stress, we can all be caught out by the ups and downs of life and lack the tools to cope. In fact, in the UK, 1 in 4 people likely to experience some kind of mental health problem during the course of the year (1) and 2001 figures from the WHO (2) show that around "450 million people... suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide." That’s where Sophrology comes in. A technique of structured mindfulness, Sophrology offers a variety of short, simple exercises to help train your mind to be healthier, and stronger. Sophrology brings you back to the present, combining eastern philosophies of mediation and living in the present moment, with western neuroscience techniques. By practicing Sophrology everyday, you can change the way you manage and react to stressful situations, giving you a valuable tool to stay mentally healthy. Sign up to a course today and get training! (1) source: www.mentalhealth.org.uk (2) source: World Health Organisation ![]() Have you taken a mindfulness course in the past? Maybe you’ve heard your colleagues discussing it, or your friends have tried it out. Here at EnergyCentre we’re excited that Mindfulness training is generating such a buzz, as it has a lot in common with Sophrology. Both Sophrology and Mindfulness use techniques to help us become aware of our body, our actions, and to live in the present moment. Both techniques help train our minds to become more resilient to stress and anxiety and to build up healthy, patterns of living which can give us a greater enjoyment of life, and even boost our productivity at work. Both techniques are easy and quick to learn, and can deliver results in just 4 weeks. In fact, Sophrology is a technique of structured mindfulness, as it goes deeper than this, delivering long term solutions to problems such as anxiety, depression, stress and phobias. It has tailored exercises for different situations, such as insomnia, childbirth, exam stress, and major life changes. Here are EnergyCentre, we offer Diploma courses where you can train to teach the Sophrology technique, helping your clients to overcome life’s challenges and to love the life they live. Why not try one of our Diploma courses to learn more… |
AuthorDorna Revie is the founder of Energy Centre and Sophrology Center Online. Dorna has been teaching Sophrology for over 20 years. Read Dorna's story. Archives
August 2016
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